K-12 General Academic Strand

The Advantages of Taking the General Academic Strand It seems logical that every senior high school student is partial to his chosen strand. Learning anything interesting is always cool after all. But for those who are truly curious about pursuing the General Academic Strand (GAS) in senior high, here’s a rundown of what the most determined GAS students have to say about it. Today’s K-12 generation is offered three educational tracks when they reach senior high school. The Academic track comprises HUMMS that deals with Humanities and Social Sciences, ABM for Accounting, Business and Management; and GAS for General Academics. For students who enroll in GAS, most are looking to develop their skills in reading, writing, and speaking skills. In short, GAS students are being groomed as professionals who serve people through ideas and communication. These students may someday be lawyers, professors, psychologists, or theologians. We’ve asked a few senior students who are proud GAS enr...